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a tech blog for general algorithmic interview questions

[Question] Trie Wildcard String Matching



Given a trie data struture, implement add() and search() method, which support wildcard matching.

eg. If trie contains [“cool”, “kid”, “kindle”, “kind”]

These would match: “col”, “kind”, “**”

These won’t: “*”, “kid”, “coo”


First, know how to build a trie, then know how to search in Trie. This could be tricky. Do Read On!

  1. Trie (root) start with an empty node.
  2. When do searching, ALWAYS assumes that current TrieNode is matched. I.e. do not check value of current TrieNode. Instead, check current TrieNode’s children, and find a match.
  3. The only case you return true, is when matching reaches current TrieNode, and current TrieNode is an terminating node for a word.
  4. Be careful and do not confuse yourself for which node you gonna match, and when you return true.

Read the code below. If you still have a hard time, read #2 and #3 above, again.


public boolean solve(TrieRoot trie, String word) {
    if (word == null || word.length() == 0) {
        return false;
    return matchFromChildren(trie.getRoot(), word, 0);

private boolean matchFromChildren(TrieNode node, String word, int index) {
    // [important note] 
    // regardless of the value of node.letter, match word[index...] from node.children

    if (index > word.length()) {
        // impossible to reach here
        return false;
    } else if (index == word.length()) {
        // word is now fully matched, check if isTerminalNode(node)
        return node.isEndOfWord();

    char curLetter = word.charAt(index);
    if (curLetter == '*') {
        for (TrieNode child: node.getAllChildren()) {
            if (matchFromChildren(child, word, index + 1)) {
                return true;
        return false;
    } else {
        TrieNode nextNode = node.getChild(curLetter);
        if (nextNode == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return matchFromChildren(nextNode, word, index + 1);

[Question] Dutch National Flag Problem



Given an array A[] consisting 0s, 1s and 2s, write a function that sorts A[]. The functions should put all 0s first, then all 1s and all 2s in last.

Input = {0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1};
Output = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2}


3-way sort: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/3-way-quicksort-dutch-national-flag/


public int[] threePointerSort(int[] input) {
    if (input == null || input.length <= 1) {
        return input;

    // left is at the leftmost non-0 position
    // right is at rightmost non-2
    // mid is currently being evaluated (before mid, it's sorted)
    int left = 0, right = input.length - 1;
    int mid = left;

    while (mid <= right) {
        if (input[mid] > 1) {
            Common.swap(input, mid, right);
        } else if (input[mid] < 1) {
            Common.swap(input, left, mid);
        } else {

    return input;

[Design] How to Design Logging


Conecting between information and knowledge.

  1. Information: it’s just bits
  2. Knowledge: drives product direction

Logging is all about Event

Q1. shall we log it live? what should we log? how to do it (on different platforms)?

Not live. Do it asynchronously.

Demand and product design drives logging.

Logs represent event, so all your logging should be based around the events.

eg. who click the button, the user ID, but do not log the age, because you can find it somewhere else!

Think about “what” to log and “why”

“How” is just coding. Happy Logging!

[Design] MVC, MVP and MVVM

MVC Pattern


The model and controller logic are decoupled from user interface (view).

  1. Model

    business model + data access operations (i.e. data model)

  2. View

    only for displaying data (received from the controller, transforms the model into UI)

  3. Controller (IMPORTANT)

    process incoming requests. It receives input from users via the View, then process the user’s data with the help of Model and passing the results back to the View. Typically, it acts as the coordinator between the View and the Model.


Ruby on Rails, Spring Framework, Apple iOS Development and ASP.NET MVC.

Softwares (not web apps).

MVP pattern

separate the presentation layer from the logic

The Presenter is responsible for handling all UI events on behalf of the view.

Unlike view and controller, view and presenter are completely decoupled from each other’s and communicate to each other’s by an interface.

Also, presenter does not manage the incoming request traffic as controller.

Key Points about MVP

  1. User interacts with the View.

  2. There is one-to-one relationship between View and Presenter means one View is mapped to only one Presenter.

  3. View has a reference to Presenter but View has not reference to Model.

  4. Provides two way communication between View and Presenter.


Android, ASP.NET Web Forms applications

MVVM pattern

This pattern supports two-way data binding between view and View model.

This enables automatic propagation of changes, within the state of view model to the View.

Typically, the view model uses the observer pattern to notify changes in the view model to model.


The View Model is responsible for exposing methods, commands, and other properties that helps to maintain the state of the view, manipulate the model as the result of actions on the view, and trigger events in the view itself.

Key Points about MVVM

  1. User interacts with the View.

  2. There is many-to-one relationship between View and ViewModel means many View can be mapped to one ViewModel.

  3. View has a reference to ViewModel but View Model has no information about the View.

  4. Supports two-way data binding between View and ViewModel.


Ember.js, WPF, Silverlight


Main: http://www.dotnet-tricks.com/Tutorial/designpatterns/2FMM060314-Understanding-MVC,-MVP-and-MVVM-Design-Patterns.html

TLDR: http://www.beyondjava.net/blog/model-view-whatever/

[Design] Design Twitter

System design evaluation form

  1. work solution
  2. special cases
  3. analysis
  4. trade off
  5. knowledge base

Design guideline: 4S

  1. Scenario

    ask, features, qps, DAU, interfaces

  2. Service

    split, application, module

  3. Storage

    schema, data, sql, NoSql, file system

  4. Scale

    sharding, optimize, special case



Whta’s the DAU/MAU rate?

Chatting apps like wechat/whatapp has a rate of around 75%, but facebook/twitter is lower at 60%.

Enumerate the functions

  1. registration
  2. user profile display/edit
  3. upload image/video
  4. search
  5. post a tweet
  6. share a tweet
  7. timeline
  8. newsfeed
  9. follow/unfollow


  1. concurrent user

    150M user * 60 query/user / 606024s = average QPS = 100K

    peak QPS = 3 * average QPS = 300K

    fast growing product = 2 * peak QPS = 600K

  2. read qps: 300K QPS

  3. write qps: 5K QPS

On average, a web server support around 1000 QPS, thus in this case, we need 300 servers to support the system.


4 services for Twitter

  1. user service
    1. register
    2. login
  2. tweet service
    1. post tweet
    2. news feed
    3. timeline
  3. media service
    1. upload image
    2. upload video
  4. friendship service
    1. follow
    2. upfollow


  1. SQL

    Good for accurate, small amount of data, more read than write. user table

  2. NoSQL

    Good for large amount of read/write, high scalability. tweets social graph (follower)

  3. File System

    Good for media files photo, video

Select the right DB

Question: can we use file system for tweets?

No, it’s hard to query. Eg. query all tweets of my friends.

Design data schema

(optional) 3 tables needed:

  1. user table
  2. tweet table
  3. friendship table: this is not as straight forward, as it shall contain double directions info

Important: News Feed

pull model

Read top 50 feeds from top 100 friends, then merge sort by date. (note that user is getting sync-blocked here).

Post tweet is simple 1 DB write.

This design is bad, because file-system/DB read is slow. If you have N friends, you query O(N) DB queries. It’s too slow (and user is getting sync-blocked, too). We should have, ideally, <= 7 DB queries per web page.


  1. synchronously block user from getting news feed
  2. too many DB reads

push model

Each person have a list storing new feeds. When friend post tweet, fanout to my feed list.

When I read, I simply read top 100 from the feed list. So read is 1 DB read.

Post tweet is N DB writes, which is slow. However this is done async, so it does not matter.

One example of async implementation: RabbitMQ


optimize pull model

Although it looks like push is faster than pull, facebook and twitter both use pull model.

  1. add cache for DB, reduce # of DB read
  2. also cache each user’s news feed

    your yesterday’s feeds are all cached, thus don’t need to read everytime.

optimize push model

  1. disk waste a lot, although disk is cheap
  2. inactive user!

    rank follower by weight, and don’t write to inactive user (eg. last login time)

  3. if follower is toooo much, like Lady Gaga, user pull for Lady Gaga.

    Tradeoff: Push + Pull model.

optimize ‘Like’ info

In tweet table, if we need to count(user) who liked, it’s gonna take forever.

We must denormalize this data!

Denormalize: it’s duplicate info but we store in table, because of performance improvement.

Shortcoming: inconsistency!

  1. unless using SQL transaction, async failure can result in wrong counting number
  2. race condition

Solution: 1. use atomic operation 2. every day, schedule to update this number.

optimize thundering herd problem

When cache fails, all DB query will go to DB. This results in DB crash.

Hot spot (thundering herd)

Solution: hold all incoming queries (who fails cache), and only send 1 DB query. When result is returned, return to every query.

[Octopress] Add Aside Content to Octopress


Example of this is the ‘categories’ list on the right hand side of the blog page. It’s always pinned on RHS, regardless of page content.


  1. Add to source/_includes/asides/category_list.html with the following content. (remember to delete [delete-this-tag])

     <section class="well">
       <ul id="categories" class="nav nav-list">
         {[delete-this-tag]% category_list %[delete-this-tag]}
  2. Go to _config.yml and modify default_asides.

     default_asides: [asides/category_list.html, asides/recent_posts.html, asides/github.html, asides/delicious.html, asides/pinboard.html, asides/googleplus.html, asides/advertise.html]
  3. Since the ‘category_list’ tag is not natively supported. Add plugins/category_list_tag.rb with the followin content.

     module Jekyll
       class CategoryListTag < Liquid::Tag
         def render(context)
           html = ""
           categories = context.registers[:site].categories.keys
           categories.sort.each do |category|
             posts_in_category = context.registers[:site].categories[category].size
             category_dir = context.registers[:site].config['category_dir']
             category_url = File.join(category_dir, category.gsub(/_|\P{Word}/, '-').gsub(/-{2,}/, '-').downcase)
             html << "<li class='category'><a href='/#{category_url}/'>#{category} (#{posts_in_category})</a></li>\n"
     Liquid::Template.register_tag('category_list', Jekyll::CategoryListTag)
  4. rake generate && rake preview

[Design] User Registry Table Design

First word

Designing a system like twitter, facebook or airbnb, first step is often User Registry.

The tables, we must use RDBMS, as it’s more reliable.

Table design

Friendship table is important:

[Design] Designing a Simple Web Crawler

1. Choose a framework

Assuming we use Python to do this.

plain python?

We can write a simple Python crawler with the code below:

import re, urllib

textfile = file('depth_1.txt','wt')
print "Enter the URL you wish to crawl.."
print 'Usage  - "http://phocks.org/stumble/creepy/" <-- With the double quotes'
myurl = input("@> ")
for i in re.findall('''href=["'](.[^"']+)["']''', urllib.urlopen(myurl).read(), re.I):
    print i  
    for ee in re.findall('''href=["'](.[^"']+)["']''', urllib.urlopen(i).read(), re.I):
        print ee


  1. You only define the rules, Scrapy do the rest
  2. easily plugin extensions
  3. portable + python runtime.

Why Scrapy

scrapy has the tools to manage every stage of a web crawl, just to name a few:

  1. Requests manager - in charge of downloading pages all concurrently behind the scenes! You won’t need to invest a lot of time in concurrent architecture.

  2. Selectors - parse the html document (eg. XPath)

  3. Pipelines - after you retrieve the data, there’s a bunch of functions to modify the data.

Following the spirit of other don’t repeat yourself frameworks, such as Django:

it makes it easier to build and scale large crawling projects by allowing developers to re-use their code.

For more, read Scrapy Architecture .

  1. Scrapy Engine

    control data flow

  2. Scheduler

    receives requests from the engine and enqueues them for feeding them later

  3. Downloader

  4. Spiders

  5. Item Pipeline

  6. Downloader middlewares

    specific hooks that sit between the Engine and the Downloader and process requests

  7. Spider middlewares

    specific hooks that sit between the Engine and the Spiders and are able to process spider input (responses) and output (items and requests).

2. Schedule a Scrapy job

APScheduler? (todo)

add/remove jobs

3. Choose a DB

I chose NoSQL/MongoDB. But why?

  1. there’s only a few tables with few columns

  2. no overly complex associations between nodes

  3. huge amount of time-based data

  4. scaling requirements: MongoDB better horizontal scaling

  5. different field names: dynamical storage

4. Technical Difficulty?

4.1 differrent way to crawl.

We need to check AJAX response sometime and study each website’s API.

Some site would close certain APIs if they found out too many queries requests.

4.2 Difficulty navigating pages

Study their URL structure.



Just play with the url params!

4.3 What is key?

I defined extra column only to store keys (combine a few key columns, and convert to lower-case).

We can search using regex though, but:

Mongo (current version 2.0.0) doesn’t allow case-insensitive searches against indexed fields. For non-indexed fields, the regex search should be fine.

How to go about it:

searching with regex’s case insensitive means that mongodb cannot search by index, so queries against large datasets can take a long time.

Even with small datasets, it’s not very efficient… which could become an issue if you are trying to achieve scale.

As an alternative, you can store an uppercase copy and search against that…

If your field is large, such as a message body, duplicating data is probably not a good option. I believe using an extraneous indexer like Apache Lucene is the best option in that case.

4.4 A lot bad data

  1. write a sophisticated pipeline()

  2. try not let bad data reach pipeline() - better

Make your spider better!

4.5 NLP: brand names

how? (todo)

[Question] Swizzle Sort







public int[] solve(int[] input) {
    boolean incr = true;
    int len = input.length;
    int p = 1;
    while (p < len) {
        if (incr ^ (input[p - 1] < input[p])) {
            Common.swap(input, p - 1, p);
        incr = !incr;
    return input;

[Design] How to Generate Maze



Design a 2D dungeon crawling game. It must allow for various items in the maze - walls, objects, and computer-controlled characters.

Part 1: API design


if a certain cell has a wall to the North and West but not to the South or East, it would be represented as 1001, or 9… (e.g., “9,6,11,12\n3,10,10,4\n13,9,12,5\n3,6,1,6” in a 4x4 maze)

Design API~

Part 2: Algorithm

Depth-first search

This is most common and one of the simplest ways to generate a maze using a computer. It’s commonly implemented using Recursive backtrack.

  1. from a random cell, select a random neighbour that hasn’t been visited.

  2. removes the ‘wall’ and adds the new cell to a stack.

  3. a cell with no unvisited neighbours is considered dead-end.

  4. When at a dead-end it backtracks through the path until it reaches a cell with unvisited neighbours, continuing from there.

  5. until every cell has been visited, the computer would backtrack all the way to the beginning cell.

  6. Entire maze space is guaranted a complete visit.

side note

To add difficulty and a fun factor to the DFS, you can influence the likelihood of which neighbor you should visit, instead of completely random.

By making it more likely to visit neighbors to your sides, you can have a more horizontal maze generation.