Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in an n x m table (two-dimensional array). This table is sorted along the rows and columns — that is,
Table[i][j] ≤ Table[i][j + 1],
Table[i][j] ≤ Table[i + 1][j]
Related questions
Count negative in a 2D Sorted Matrix.
This is a very similar question as prevous one. The solution is O(n) with a linear walk from top-right to bottom-left.
int countNegatives(int array[][], int size) {
int col = size - 1, row = 0;
int count = 0;
while(row < size && col >= 0) {
if(array[row][col] < 0 ) {
count = count + (col + 1);
row = row + 1;
else {
col = col - 1;
return count;