Given a BST, find the node that is larger/smaller than particular number
Or the question can be:
Given a binary search tree and a value k, please find a node in the binary search tree whose value is closest to k. link
This post is based on the second question above.
- Traverse the tree top-down.
- While traversing, record values that are closer to target than previously-found value.
- If found, the target, break and return. source
From this post.
BinaryTreeNode* getClosestNode(BinaryTreeNode* pRoot, int value)
BinaryTreeNode* pClosest = NULL;
int minDistance = 0x7FFFFFFF;
BinaryTreeNode* pNode = pRoot;
while(pNode != NULL){
int distance = abs(pNode->m_nValue - value);
if(distance < minDistance){
minDistance = distance;
pClosest = pNode;
if(distance == 0)
if(pNode->m_nValue > value)
pNode = pNode->m_pLeft;
else if(pNode->m_nValue < value)
pNode = pNode->m_pRight;
return pClosest;