Woodstock Blog

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[Question] Print Numbers Containing 5



写一个function,对于参数n,输出从0到n之间所有含5的数字。eg. func(30) 应该输出5,15,25

this is Groupon interview question


Suggested by level 10 of this forum. The key is to consider numbers as string, not numbers. Why? The key of the question is to find “5” in a number. We do not really care about values. We care about characters instead!



In other words, iterate thru the numbers one by one. Discard numbers that are larger than n. Discard numbers that don’t have “5”. We are left will all the valid output.

It’s surprising to me that this is a String + DFS question.


written by me

public void mySolution(int num) {
    if (num >= 5) {
        String str = String.valueOf(num);
        helper(num, "", 0, str.length(), false);

private void helper(int max, String prefix, int pos, int len, boolean have5) {
    if (pos == len) {
        int cur = Integer.parseInt(prefix);
        if (cur <= max) {
            System.out.print(cur + ", ");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if (pos == len - 1 && !have5 && i != 5) {
        helper(max, prefix + i, pos + 1, len, have5 || i == 5);