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[CC150v4] 19.6 Convert Integer to English


Given an integer between 0 and 999,999, print an English phrase that describes the integer (eg, “One Thousand, Two Hundred Thirty Four”).

This is also on CC150v5 Q17.7.


The solution in book isn’t good, so I wrote the code myself. Read it below.


private static String[] arr1 = { "Zero ", "One ", "Two ", "Three ",
        "Four ", "Five ", "Six ", "Seven ", "Eight ", "Nine " };

private static String[] arr11 = { "Ten ", "Eleven ", "Twelve ",
        "Thirteen ", "Fourteen ", "Fifteen ", "Sixteen ", "Seventeen ",
        "Eighteen ", "Nineteen " };

private static String[] arr10 = { "", "Ten ", "Twenty ", "Thirty ",
        "Forty ", "Fifty ", "Sixty ", "Seventy ", "Eighty ", "Ninety " };

public static String numtostring(int num) {
    int part1 = num / 1000;
    int part2 = num % 1000;
    if (part1 == 0) {
        return numBelowTrousand(part2);
    } else {
        return numBelowTrousand(part1) + "Thousand, "
                + numBelowTrousand(part2);

public static String numBelowTrousand(int num) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    // assume num is below 1000

    // first, convert hundred digit
    int hundred = num / 100;
    if (hundred != 0) {
        sb.append(arr1[hundred] + "Hundred ");

    // second, convert the rest of digits
    num %= 100;
    if (num != 0) {
        int ten = num / 10;
        int one = num % 10;
        if (ten == 1) {
            sb.append(arr11[num - 10]);
        } else {
            if (ten != 0) {
                // ten is in the range of [2,9]
            if (one != 0) {
    return sb.toString();