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[CC150v5] 17.13 Convert BST to DLL


Consider a simple node-like data structure called BiNode, which has pointers to two other nodes.

public class BiNode {
    public BiNode node1, node2;
    public int data;

The data structure BiNode could be used to represent both a binary tree (where node1 is the left node and node2 is the right node) or a doubly linked list (where node1 is the previous node and node2 is the next node). Implement a method to convert a binary search tree (implemented with BiNode) into a doubly linked list. The values should be kept in order and the operation should be performed in place (that is, on the original data structure).


At another post [LeetCode Plus] Convert BST to Circular DLL, we already discussed 2 approaches:

  1. in-order traversal approach
  2. divide and conquer approach

First approach isn’t intuitive. We will further discuss D&C approach here.

The key of the solution is how we return both HEAD and TAIL. The book suggests 3 ways:

  1. Build a data structure to store both head and tail
  2. Just return head, and retrieve tail by traversing thru - bad time complexity O(n2)
  3. Use circular linked-list! Time O(n).

I wrote the code for 1st and 2nd approach. And 3rd is already covered in previous post.

  • You need to understand why we need the list to be circular.


Approach 1

public static BiNode convert(BiNode root) {
    BiNodePair res = helper(root);
    return res.leftMost;

private static BiNodePair helper(BiNode node) {
    if (node == null) {
        return null;
    BiNodePair res = new BiNodePair(node, node);
    if (node.node1 != null) {
        BiNodePair leftRes = helper(node.node1);
        res.leftMost = leftRes.leftMost;
        leftRes.rightMost.node2 = node;
        node.node1 = leftRes.rightMost;
    if (node.node2 != null) {
        BiNodePair rightRes = helper(node.node2);
        res.rightMost = rightRes.rightMost;
        rightRes.leftMost.node1 = node;
        node.node2 = rightRes.leftMost;
    return res;

static class BiNodePair {
    BiNode leftMost;
    BiNode rightMost;

    public BiNodePair(BiNode node1, BiNode node2) {
        leftMost = node1;
        rightMost = node2;

Approach 2

public static BiNode convert(BiNode root) {
    if (root == null) {
        return null;
    return helper(root);

private static BiNode helper(BiNode node) {
    // node is not null
    BiNode newHead = node;
    // do left part
    if (node.node1 != null) {
        newHead = helper(node.node1);
        BiNode leftTail = getListTail(newHead);
        leftTail.node2 = node;
        node.node1 = leftTail;
    // do right part
    if (node.node2 != null) {
        BiNode rightHead = helper(node.node2);
        node.node2 = rightHead;
        rightHead.node1 = node;
    return newHead;

private static BiNode getListTail(BiNode head) {
    // head is not null
    while (head.node2 != null) {
        head = head.node2;
    return head;