Given a server that has requests coming in.
Design a data structure such that you can fetch the count of the number requests in the last second, minute and hour.
Solution 1
Keep a record of all request timestamps, suggested by the top answer by whatevva:
Use a queue implemented as a resizable array to store the timestamps of all new requests
maintain head/tail pointers as usual
Also maintain three pointers, for past sec, past min and past hr.
Whenever a request comes in, update 3 pointers. Then in the for-loop of the thread, remove old entries and also update 3 pointers.
Print Rps in real time. I posted my code below (the code is without thread-safety consideration).
Solution 2
This solution does not store all timestamps, and it does not generate real-time Rps data. But it’s good enough because result is only updated every 1 second, so its performance is better.
Keep an array of int of size 60 * 60. Each second, use the number of request in the past second to update the array values in a rolling way.
Solution 1. this is my code so please correct me!
public class SetRps {
AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
int limit = -1;
int printIndex = 1;
long startTimestamp = -1;
void setRPS(int num) {
limit = num;
boolean process(long timestamp) {
// suppose timestamp is ms
synchronized (this) {
if (count.get() < limit) {
// can process
System.out.println(printIndex++ + ". processing request "
+ timestamp % 100000 / 1000 + "," + timestamp % 1000);
return true;
if (timestamp - startTimestamp >= 1000) {
// every 1 seconds, reset
startTimestamp = timestamp;
return true;
return false;